Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What's been happening?

I'll admit it, while I love to read other people's blogs I suck at keeping up my own. In light of our growing family I will try my best to keep everyone up to date on recent happenings.

So, the biggest news in our family is that we have a new baby girl! Teagan Stella joined our family March 11 at 6:19pm. She was born at 37 weeks and considered mostly full term! Yay! She has been such an angel. I love having a newborn and now realize all that i missed out on with Keira being in the NICU for her first 3 months of life. I don't even mind (too much) the 2am feedings because I get that much more time to snuggle this little bug all to myself. Keira has been a great big sister. She refused to leave Teagan's side in my recovery room and even got to help give her her first bath. We went through a rough couple of weeks with not listening and some attention seeking but she is now back to being a great little girl. I cannot believe how big she is getting. Well, mentally that is. She is definitely 4 going on 14. She goes to preschool now and has a best friend. She rides bicycles and plays with dolls. She plays on a soccer team without any parents on the field. It's crazy to me. My 2lb baby is not a baby any longer. It's making me hold onto Teagans baby-ness even harder. I almost cried in Sam's today when I realized I had to buy size 1 diapers instead of newborn because she is getting too big for them. Dang it kid, stop growing!

Last year Jeremy decided to take the scary leap into a new career. He is now a financial advisor with Northwestern Mutual. He works long (seriously loooooong) hours and doesn't always show a return on his hard work, so it's rough on him. But, he tries really hard to provide for all of us and make everything work. I know its hard on him and I hope he knows how much I appreciate it and him. So, if you need insurance, life insurance, money management help or whatever the hell else it is he does, please don't hesitate to give him a call!

I graduated last year with my degree in aesthetics and went on to get licensed by the state of Missouri. I have been working at European Wax Center since last October and really enjoy it. There is something really rewarding about ripping hair out of someone else's body. Sick I know, but hey, someones got to do it right?!

I'm sure there is much more to update everyone on but hey I need to leave something to blog about tomorrow right?! Love you all

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