Thursday, August 27, 2009

school, homework and babies

Right, where to begin? I started back up at school on Monday. Classes so far are challenging, interesting and very entertaining. I have to take a course called cornerstone (college entry course to get you used to time management, paper writing, organizational skills, etc) that was originally not required back in 2000 when I started this whole college endeavour. There are some kids in my assigned group that I am surprised even graduated high school. One kid in particular just makes me crack up every time he talks. Today we had to go around the room stating reasons why a person goes to college and what personal situations might come up that may inhibit success. A few of my contributions to the group were "to converse intellectually with peers" and "to learn proper debate skills". This kid, we will call him Omar because I am sure there are more to come, thought that this was awesome input; "free food" and "free libraries". Correct me if I am wrong but don't you pay for the cafeteria service with your tuition and public libraries have been free for quite some time (uh, 667AD if I googled correctly)! So towards the end of class he leans over and asks "Whats your major anyway?" To which I replied special ed. His response? Wait for it... "That makes sense, you talk smart". Oh my God, oh my GOD! Did he really just say I talk smart?! Who is this guy, Forrest Gump?

Rant over, Keira is doing really well. She is now sitting up on her own and trying to work out this crawling thing she keeps hearing about. She can get her knees up and everything but she ends up going backwards! Oh well, soon enough right? I am still enjoying laying her down somewhere and knowing she will still be relatively close when I come back. Also she has learned how to throw tantrums. If you set her in her exer-saucer and start to walk away she throws herself backwards as hard as she can while screeching this horrible, ear piercing wail that only dogs should be able to hear. If you try to feed her when she doesn't want to be fed, she will either blow raspberries at you when you try to stick a spoon or bottle in her mouth or if you push her really hard she will cry the most heartbreaking cry until you stop. Until she notices you are done and then she immediately is happy again and wants to play. I swear this baby will be the death of me.

Getting late and need to get some project runway in before bedtime. I will update you more soon!
Question of the day: Does anyone know who invented Graham Crackers and why?

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